
ULearn is a platform for schools that combines online and offline learning, connects all stakeholders, reduces menial work (like homework grading, sorting, and returning), provides easy access to information, and saves schools a ton of money. It's capabilities go way beyond what our competitors offer. Our goal is to improve all aspects of school life for everyone - students, parents, teachers, administrators. Therefore, our job is simple: incrementally add features until there are no more feature requests. For a better understanding of how Ulearn can benefit your school, read the feature descriptions below.

Our History and Mission

Ulearn, in its earliest form, was a Google sheets file (Google's cloud version of Excel) to help teachers track homework and quiz grades. This tool compiled the data into grade reports, which was emailed to parents using Google Sheets' built-in JavaScript features. We shared this tracking system with teachers, and received very positive feedback, especially from those managing multiple large classes.

Teachers could easily record homework, build student performance histories, and quickly share progress with parents. This solved two big issues: transparency and student accountability. By keeping parents informed about their child's work ethic, we shifted some of the disciplinary burden from teachers to parents. As a result, students were extra motivated, and teachers could focus more on teaching instead of 'encouraging' or nagging students.

The success of this spreadsheet inspired us to develop Ulearn, a full-fledged ASP.net web application, in the summer of 2020. Then, just as we were getting started, COVID hit Taiwan hard. Many schools struggled during the quarantine, but one forward-thinking private school took a chance on us that fall.

This school, with over 200 students enrolled in 400 courses, became our testing ground. For the past few years, we've used their feedback to refine every aspect of Ulearn. When COVID was at its worst in Taiwan and many schools were closing their doors, this school thrived. They used Ulearn to quickly transition to a fully online environment, managing classes, tracking homework, and hosting online sessions seamlessly.

Even after returning to in-person classes, the school kept using our online features. They ran physical and online classes simultaneously, allowing students who were absent to attend virtually or catch up using our class recording feature. Talk about flexibility!

Since then, Ulearn has grown into an even more capable platform for both physical and online school management. We offer a wide range of features to support school administrators, teachers, students, and parents. From class scheduling to grade tracking, we've got it all covered.

We're excited to announce that Ulearn is now available as a multi-tenant web application. This means we can offer the same level of support and success to your school that we've provided to our pioneering partner school.